Community Associaton

Stonehaven does not have an HOA or even elected officers. Instead, we are merely a group of interested residents who want to keep Stonehaven attractive and engaging and who want to keep everyone informed about issues that could affect our quality of life or impact our property values. We meet occasionally, but we primarily use e-newsletters and our Facebook page to keep people informed about topics of interest. We welcome those in contiguous neighborhoods to join in our social activities and to subscribe to our e-newsletters and Facebook page to keep up with shared concerns and interests.

There’s no need to “join” anything since we’re neighbors, not “members.” If Stonehaven is listed on your property deed, we simply hope you’ll want to make a voluntary “Stonehaven Pride” annual contribution of $20 per household, which will go toward various needs such as upkeep of our entryways; events like Flash Friday; and communications including flyers, meeting signs and this website. Contributions and sponsorships, such as advertising on this site, have also paid for our neighborhood signage, and they help fund events like our Rollin’ 5K.

To make your voluntary $20 contribution and support the Stonehaven Community Association, please use the button below.

— OR —

Send a check to:

Stonehaven Community Association
c/o Kirsta Norwood
6627 Wheeler Dr.
Charlotte NC 28211

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